domingo, 14 de octubre de 2007

First week in Mexico

The first week in Mexico was spent at Uni Tierra (University of the Land) where indigenous youth live, work and learn. They learn hands on skills like making doors and windows, sewing, cooking, building, and once they graduate they return to their pueblos or stay at the school for however long to become teachers. Its great and everyone there was so friendly. Saturday of that week was Mexico's independence day and they had a fiesta with a marimba band (drums and guitar and a marimba). Lots of dancing and bbq chicken for dinner! I'll try to find some more pictures and my trusty disposable pictures are waiting to be developed!

The campus there was amazing. You could see so far and so many rolling hills. Most of the time we ate beans and rice with really sweet coffee and tea. Cold showers and toilets that you flush with buckets of water. Everyone there works really hard and are really self motivated.

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